Monday, January 10, 2011

Eating My Emotions............

This seems to be the thing I struggle with the most, as you will quickly come to figure out...I have zero problem going to the gym,I know just what it takes to get results from working out,I am open to trying new classes,etc...But food is my weakness..I can be so disciplined, but the minute I stop it is like a downward slop that quickly spirals out of control..Some people "can't eat" when they are upset...Gotta love them!!Me? I eat EVERYTHING!!I fully support the concept that you can't deprive yourself of ANYTHING or else you will want EVERYTHING!!!So my system usually consists of eating sensible for 6 days out of the week and allow myself one free day,cheat day, free-for-all.And it works...or it worked up until about Thanksgiving of this year..That is when six days sensible,turned into MOST days, turned into I don't know....Now almost two months later I am struggling to find my food discipline again..My only saving grace is that I have kept up with the gym, 6-7 days a week..I am not trying to go back to my strictest eating habits but I definitely need to cut out fast food and take it back to one free day and start making better choices...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so the same way. Thats the reason why I started to fast. Its like when I get upset without thinking that my stomach is growling and I'm hungry. When in reality I'm emotionally hungry and need a hug. Its sad I know.
