Sunday, January 16, 2011

Destined to Make a Difference..

I swear I will eventually make a point in this entry...and bring it back around to fitness....I just had such an "Oprah Ah-ha" moment today....Like things are really starting to "click" in my world lately,make sense,and come together after being undone for so long...And I must say it is an amazing feeling...I have spent most of my adult life in a state of panic not knowing what direction I was heading,what my purpose was,what I am meant to be/do,etc....But today it kinda hit me in a moment when I was talking to my sister about life and situations,etc...I know my purpose is to influence others and empower them on body image,self esteem through fitness.I struggled with my own body, self esteem for so long.It never made sense why I spent all of my teen years feeling uncertain and bad about my appearance...I was never "ugly"....but I HATED my body...I didn't work out and my level activity consisted of cheer leading...which is VERY active but also made me feel even more insecure because I felt I needed to be perfect (whatever that was)...Hence lead me into at least a five year battle with eating disorders....which lasted through college cheer leading...multiple personal relationships where I never felt secure,affected my sex life,and just really had me spiraling out of control....Then I found the gym...Don't get me wrong I didn't take it serious at first...I didn't know what I was doing, what I SHOULD be doing...nothing...I just went....I dated a gym rat, who got me even more involved in the gym and taught me a years to come I have had trainers and I have learned from them...Now I know, years later, what to do,how to do it,how to achieve certain results in the gym, and I am passionate about it...As I look back all these experiences make sense...they contributed to me finding my TRUE purpose..what I am meant to do and it will be more meaningful because I have a story to go along with my journey that lead to this moment....I have always said the ultimate would be to train celebrities....When I look in magazines and I see celebs rollercoastering with their weight too (because they are people),read their tips,etc,see how media scrutinizes,kicks them when they are down,watch as they try to rebuild a career ( FAV Britney Spears),I think I would LOVE to train them....and after talking with my sister tonight who is working on her music career and hearing her dreams,etc I am reminded that anything is possible and I am truly feeling that the sky is the limit.....

On a different note: Sunday is usually my off day but this week I did lift...I did 2 sets of a total body circuit and approx 200 crunches (upper,lower,and obliques) and finished in 35 min:)

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